Syrians stream from their war-torn country into Iraq's Kurdistan region

Syrians stream from their war-torn country into Iraq's Kurdistan region

Wednesday 26 May 2021


Dear Reader: This blog has been in place for several years as a way of keeping the YPBC congregation informed about the Refugee Sponsorship Program. The blog service appears to be coming to an end in July and we are evaluating our options (which might include creating a new blog).

I don't know how useful the blog is and I don't know how many people have subscribed.

So if you have received this post could you please send an email to letting me know (i) that you have seen this post and (ii) if you would like to continue to receive updates (possibly in a different format).

 We are currently awaiting news of two Christian families: one from the Central African Republic (taking refuge in a camp in Ghana) and one from Pakistan (taking refuge in Thailand). Hopefully there will be news soon on these two sponsorships.

Thank you for your support for Refugee Sponsorship!

Thursday 18 March 2021

 The Board of Mission has decided to sponsor a family of five who were persecuted in Pakistan because of their Christian faith and took refuge in Thailand where they have been since 2013. The family consists of a mother, father, adult son and two daughters aged 16 and 21. The sponsorship is being done in partnership with the Office for Refugees of the Archdiocese of Toronto (ORAT) which will contribute some of the funds needed to support this family for their first year in Canada. On April 7 the family is going for their first interview at the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok.Your prayers and financial support for this refugee family would be greatly appreciated.