Syrians stream from their war-torn country into Iraq's Kurdistan region

Syrians stream from their war-torn country into Iraq's Kurdistan region

Thursday 20 April 2017

 I have been advised by ORAT that the application for the Syrian family (Hosep and Silva, daughter Marina and granddaughters Shaki and Silva) whose picture is posted below  was submitted to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada for processing on April 19.  There is not a lot more we can do now, except pray for their safety and well-being, and for prompt and favourable consideration by IRCC.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

The application for the Pakistani family currently in Thailand has been approved by World Renew (the Sponsorship Agreement Holder) and the file is being submitted tpday to the Canadian Government (see picture and previous posting of December below). Please keep this family of 3.5 (soon to be 4) in your prayers.