Syrians stream from their war-torn country into Iraq's Kurdistan region

Syrians stream from their war-torn country into Iraq's Kurdistan region

Wednesday 30 September 2015

I am pleased to tell you that at a recent meeting of the Church's Board of Missions the Board resolved to proceed with pursuing an additional sponsorship under the Blended Visa Office Referral (BVOR) program and to seek further guidance from the congregation with a view to establishing the characteristics of the family we hope to sponsor.
There will be an informal meeting of the congregation following the morning service this Sunday (October 4) to discuss our next steps, so please come and make your views known.

Saturday 5 September 2015

On the advice of Chantal Desloges, an immigration lawyer recommended by Alana Carpenter, I have today couriered a letter to the Canadian High Commission in Accra, Ghana requesting that the two sisters be classified as " women at risk". Chantal advises that if we are successful in this request, the sisters' application might be expedited. Certainly as two single women with no family or protection there is no doubt in my mind that the sisters are at risk but it remains to be seen if the Canadian High Commisssion will see it that way. Please keep the sisters in your prayers!