Syrians stream from their war-torn country into Iraq's Kurdistan region

Syrians stream from their war-torn country into Iraq's Kurdistan region

Monday 27 February 2017

The Board of Missions has now approved the sponsorship of a Christian Iraqi family through ORAT(the Office of Refugees for the Archdiocese of Toronto). The family consists of a husband, wife and 3 daughters (17, 14 and 10),  currently in Lebanon.  ORAT has already completed some of the paperwork and they believe that  the family could be here in 9-12 months. Most of the settlement costs will be paid by Project Hope, a fund of the Catholic Church.

I cannot thank enough those volunteers who came forward to commit to helping with the resettlement work, thereby convincing the Board of Missions that we could mobilize enough support. This sponsorship is only possible because of you - and because of you, this family with their 3 precious daughters can have some hope. I know that more volunteers will come forward once the family arrives but you made it happen! Thank you! 

Wednesday 22 February 2017

We have been asked by ORAT (Office of Refugees of the Archdiocese of Toronto) if we would sponsor a Christian Iraqi family (2 adults and 3 young daughters) currently refugees in Lebanon. This sponsorship would be funded by Project Hope, an ORAT fund, and thus there would be no, or only mnimal, cost to the members of YPBC. We know nothing else about the family.
This sponsorship was discussed at last night's Board of Mission meeting and the Board was supportive. It would however like to be sure that volunteers would be forthcoming to support the various resettlement activities such as:

  • Applying for Government documents (OHIP, permanent resident card etc);
  • Finding accommodation;
  • Shopping;
  • Registering children in school;
  • Facilitating medical, dental treatment;
  • Navigating the TTC;
  • Enrolling in English classes;
  • Connecting them to the Iraqi community;
  • Driving to appointments, etc
If a sufficient number of volunteers comes forward the sponsorship will almost certainly proceed, given that there will be no cost to the church. So please let me know as soon as possible if you would be willing to volunteer and lets not hesitate to make this sponsorship happen. Please send me a note ( if you are willing to volunteer. Thank you!